Sadly, I had a lot of difficulty getting Rails 7 with Turbo and Stimulus up and running. The Rails docs feel like they’re missing a few steps, so I wanted to document the commands I needed to run to get Rails 7 with the tooling up and running.
First, create the directory for your Rails app and add an empty Gemfile
mkdir rails_app
cd rails_app/
touch Gemfile
Edit the Gemfile
created above in your editor of choice and add the following content:
# Gemfile
source ""
gem "rails", "7.0.4"
Then run the following commands in the root of your Rails app:
gem install bundler
gem install rails
bundle exec rails new . \
--css=sass \
--javascript=importmap \
--database=postgresql \
# n-install (see
curl -L | bash
# Install NPM dependencies
npm install --global esbuild sass
# Install yarn
# Note: Yarn > 1.x is NOT currently supported
npm install --global yarn
# Add to NPM
yarn add @hotwired/stimulus
yarn add @hotwired/turbo-rails
# Install stuff
bundle add importmap-rails
bin/rails importmap:install
bundle add hotwire-rails
bin/rails hotwire:install
# Run the app as follows
# (no more bundle exec rails server)
The following was pulled together from multiple sources, including but not limited to:
Hope that helps – happy coding!